Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Health Information Specialist

Health Information Specialist
Research, look for , and provide the following about the
“ Health information specialist”
Duties and Responsibilities: Health information specialist obtain post and analyze medical workload finance and insurance data. They ensure that this information is properly recorded into medical records so practitioners can plan and evaluate health care provided to patients must have high school diploma
Salary: $20,000-$40,000

Education: Students should take high school course in business and information management , math science , and English . Must have a high school diploma or  a GED must go to a technical school  and community collage.

Answer: Do you think you would like to be a Health information Specialist?  Why?  Why not?

I would not want to become a health information specialist why because its hard work I understand they make money a lot but I have to goo collage and I don’t think so .

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