What this statement is trying to tells us is to have goals that are high as hell that wont make you want to stop trying to get that goal you want to achieve and be happy about it in life knowing you did your ghoal with out giving up
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Student Success Satement
" Set your goals high, and dont stop till you get there." -Bo Jackson
What this statement is trying to tells us is to have goals that are high as hell that wont make you want to stop trying to get that goal you want to achieve and be happy about it in life knowing you did your ghoal with out giving up
What this statement is trying to tells us is to have goals that are high as hell that wont make you want to stop trying to get that goal you want to achieve and be happy about it in life knowing you did your ghoal with out giving up
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Student Success Statement
" The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it-as long as you really believe 100 percent- Arnold Schwarzenegger
what this satement is trying to say is that there no limit in your mind knowing that you can do something only you can tell your self that you can do it or not do it . You can do whatever you want just have to believe in yourself 100% ight
what this satement is trying to say is that there no limit in your mind knowing that you can do something only you can tell your self that you can do it or not do it . You can do whatever you want just have to believe in yourself 100% ight
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Students Success Statement
" Try a little harder to be a little better - Gordon b. Hinckley
What this statement talking about is if you try something and you know you can do it or become better your going to have to try a little more harder then you did befor to become some what better in life. What this statement is pertty much telling us is that never give up the more you do it the better you get at becoming a success in that one goal of yours you want to do or become. If you try everyday harder and hader one day your going to achieve that goal you wanted to do.
What this statement talking about is if you try something and you know you can do it or become better your going to have to try a little more harder then you did befor to become some what better in life. What this statement is pertty much telling us is that never give up the more you do it the better you get at becoming a success in that one goal of yours you want to do or become. If you try everyday harder and hader one day your going to achieve that goal you wanted to do.

Medical Illustrator
Medical Illustrator
Duties and Responsibilities: Medical illustrators are highly
skilled artists. They work strictly in the medical field and create graphics
for textbooks and journals. Some medical illustrator prepare to research about
or creation of body parts .
Education: Most of them have master degree, in high school
must take college preparatory that are specifically on are and science.
Add a picture
Reflection: no because I said no I don’t like to draw stuff I
want to be able to do the things not draw them and just look at them have fun
doing something I would want to do .
Monday, December 9, 2013
Student Success Statement
"If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work." - Thomas j Watson
What this statemant is showing us and telling us is that if you want to achieve something in life you can get there today you just got to work hard cause at the end your going to pay it off by achieving that goal you wanted to do. If you quit know on what your trying to do than thats less work your puting your self in then later that day your going to wish you didnt give up and did excellence on the achieve you wanted to do in life or just for a vaticons
What this statemant is showing us and telling us is that if you want to achieve something in life you can get there today you just got to work hard cause at the end your going to pay it off by achieving that goal you wanted to do. If you quit know on what your trying to do than thats less work your puting your self in then later that day your going to wish you didnt give up and did excellence on the achieve you wanted to do in life or just for a vaticons
Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: Show patients to examination
rooms and prepare them for the physician. Show patients record medical history
and vital statistics and information about them such as test results in medical
Salary: $17,000-$18,000
Education: Must have a high school diploma , Earn a diploma
in Westwood College
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Reflection: I wont like to be one or work as one cause it
asking for lots of things and lots of school and I don’t like school at all.
They make good money but na I wont at all
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Duties and
Responsibilities: Most of them are in Texas to care for the sick injured and
disabled ones in the health care. Help patients get out of the bed or when they
need something
Education: A
High school Diploma , must graduate from a approved nursing program, must be 18
or older, pass a drug test and criminal background check, Obtain a license
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Reflection: I
would think about it cause they make good money and again they help people out
but then at the same time I might not want to just cause they work on the
holidays and I don’t think I could do that you feel me
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Students Success Statement
"It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the differnce." - Paul Bear Bryant
What this statement is trying to say that is anyone has the will and power to win something in life but it takes a prepare for that to happen. You must train everyday to get better om doing what you do right at so when its times to play your going to feel so good about the game the teams knows there going to win no matter what if not in the game in there mine then cause there going to be so fouces on wining and trying that they might not even find out that there dooing good and with out even knowing.
What this statement is trying to say that is anyone has the will and power to win something in life but it takes a prepare for that to happen. You must train everyday to get better om doing what you do right at so when its times to play your going to feel so good about the game the teams knows there going to win no matter what if not in the game in there mine then cause there going to be so fouces on wining and trying that they might not even find out that there dooing good and with out even knowing.
Paul Bear Bryant
Paul Bear Bryant was born in the 1913-1983 was an american college football player and coach.
By 1982 he held the record of most wins as a head coach.Bryant accepted a scholarship to play for the alabama in 1931. Bryant played with a broken leg. Be for he retired he had about 323 wins with his school
By 1982 he held the record of most wins as a head coach.Bryant accepted a scholarship to play for the alabama in 1931. Bryant played with a broken leg. Be for he retired he had about 323 wins with his school
Industrial Hygienist
Industrial Hygienist
Duties and
Responsibilities: Industrial hygienist gets involved at the interface of people
and their workplaces. Industrial hygienist can come from many backgrounds –
physicists, doctor, nurses and other
Education: undergraduate degrees in one of the sciences (Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics), or Engineering. High school diploma or GED
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Reflection: I
would have to think about it but maybe I
would just for the mask they have to wear and the money they make that’s pretty
much it.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Students Success Statement
"Righteous community unity starts with one upright soul, whether it is a community of family members, students, neighbors , teamnates , or business associates. Unity conquers worthy pursuits more quickly and with less effort than individual effort alone." - Mr. Haymore
What this statement is trying to tell us is that it only taks one person to make something good in life you just work as a team noting can take you down. Always be the right guy that everyone loves and knows they can trust. It only taks one person to community with friends, family , and neighbors.

What this statement is trying to tell us is that it only taks one person to make something good in life you just work as a team noting can take you down. Always be the right guy that everyone loves and knows they can trust. It only taks one person to community with friends, family , and neighbors.
Home Health Aide
HOME Health Aide
Duties and
Responsibilities: They provides health care tasks, personal hygiene services,
housekeeping tasks and other related support services essential to the consumer’s
health .
Education: Must
receive formal training and pass a
competency test to work for certified must have a high school diploma or a GED
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Reflection: I
might join it just cause it helps people out and I would love to do that or
learn skills to take care of people so in the feature I could take care of my family
with out taking them to the doctor.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Students Success Statement
Together Everyone Achieves More- ANON
What this statement is trying to tell us that if you work with a group or just with a firend you cam achieves more then you would achieve in your self. working together with a group to achieves something your always going to get more then your self in life.
What this statement is trying to tell us that if you work with a group or just with a firend you cam achieves more then you would achieve in your self. working together with a group to achieves something your always going to get more then your self in life.
• There’s 4 people holding hands
• All 4 are trying to go up
• There working together
• No one will be left behind
• It’s a female then male pattern
• Going up for there goals
• They have bags
• It’s a sunny but there still going up
• Look like couples
• They are walking up the hill or mountain
Healthcare Administrator
Duties and
Responsibilities~ Healthcare administrator manage the hospitals and other
healthcare facilities. Small hospitals may have only one administrator
specialize in specific fields.
- $100,000
Education~ Should
take Challenging high school courses in business science , math , and English
and most healthcare hold a master’s degree in healthcare administration
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Reflection~ That’s
a maybe not just for the money part but just to help people out in life to make
them live a little longer. I would like to learn how to take care of people and
help them or even save them.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Students Success Statement
Your mind is a garden, Your thoughts are the seeds... You can grow Flowers, or You can grow weeds... - ANON
What this statement is trying to say is that if you make yourself a goal you must be 100% sure your going to do it and make that goal come true . But if you make a goal and dont complete it its noting but a weed dieing in your head. A good ex would be like me making a goal of doing right in school im going to do it let my seed grow tell its a plant showing everyone that jugg me that i did pass my class and got my high school dipolma
What this statement is trying to say is that if you make yourself a goal you must be 100% sure your going to do it and make that goal come true . But if you make a goal and dont complete it its noting but a weed dieing in your head. A good ex would be like me making a goal of doing right in school im going to do it let my seed grow tell its a plant showing everyone that jugg me that i did pass my class and got my high school dipolma
What on your mind???
What's on your mind: whats on my mind is going home and going to sleep and never wake up or to move on with my girlfirned . i want to go too a gym and work out and lose my fat and at the same time go home and play some xbox360 ghost or gta5 and gain more weight . Thats on my mind and one more thing why dont my girl trust me at all thats what on my mind i hate this world and my life to ... I just want to go home and go too bed im tired of school and other stuff just go home and eat and become fatter and fatter tell i die from something .
Histology Specialist
Histology Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: Histology Specialist use
computer applications or other automated systems as Spreadsheets word
processing. Histology technicians are responsible for turning tissue samples
into slides to prepare them for review and evaluation by cytotechnologists and
Salary: $39,846-$61,268
Education: To go Community College, Mid-State Technical institute
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be a Histology
Specialist? Why ? why not
I would say no because I’m not really into it makes good money not going to
lie but then the way they make the money looks boring and it doesn’t catch my
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Physical Therapist
Physical Therapist
Physical therapists for their ability to lessen pain,
improve mobility, and ease the discomfort of injuries or physical disabilities.
Physical help patients recover from an injury and make them forget about it or
work together to see what they can do to prevent something later on in the feature
. Physical Therapist most
worked a traditional 40-hour work week. Because some states require continuing
education as a condition of maintaining professional licensure, physical
therapists often split their time at work with hours in the classroom.
Average Salary - $ 25,000-$45,000
Educational Requirement
Must have a high school diploma , Physical therapists must hold a master's degree and a
state license to practice. In the future, a doctoral degree may be the required
entry-level degree for employment, but for the time being, over 200 programs
nationwide offer accredited degrees in physical therapy. Undergraduates are
advised to complete coursework in biology, anatomy, physics, mathematics, and
social science.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Student Success Statement
" A definite worthy goal, Combined with a positive mental attutide (PMA), is the starting poin of all worthwhile achievement." - Napoleon Hill
What Napoleon was trying to tell us is that if you have a goal that you want to achieve you must be on a positve mental attitude.To achieve what you want you must frist see if thats what you really want to achieve in life and make it your own achevement knowing that you were chooseing the right .
What Napoleon was trying to tell us is that if you have a goal that you want to achieve you must be on a positve mental attitude.To achieve what you want you must frist see if thats what you really want to achieve in life and make it your own achevement knowing that you were chooseing the right .
Health Information Specialist
Health Information
Research, look for , and provide the following about the
“ Health information specialist”
Duties and Responsibilities: Health information specialist
obtain post and analyze medical workload finance and insurance data. They
ensure that this information is properly recorded into medical records so practitioners
can plan and evaluate health care provided to patients must have high school diploma
Salary: $20,000-$40,000
Education: Students should take high school course in
business and information management , math science , and English . Must have a
high school diploma or a GED must go to
a technical school and community
Answer: Do you think you would like to be a Health
information Specialist? Why? Why not?
I would not want to become a health information specialist
why because its hard work I understand they make money a lot but I have to goo
collage and I don’t think so .
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Students Succcess Statment
" We become what we think about ." - Earl nightingale
What this quote is saying is you become what ever you want to be. Your going to mkae up what ever you want to become or do in life . An ex- If you want to become rich think about a lot and maybe sooner or later you might come up with something good in life and become rich.But if you choose the wrong way in life like robbing a bank its a 89% your going to go to jail and do time for a while. Thats why you must always choose the right and later on in life your going to be having good job and look back when you were young and said that.Anything you know that right might come back at you later in life and make you a happy person.
What this quote is saying is you become what ever you want to be. Your going to mkae up what ever you want to become or do in life . An ex- If you want to become rich think about a lot and maybe sooner or later you might come up with something good in life and become rich.But if you choose the wrong way in life like robbing a bank its a 89% your going to go to jail and do time for a while. Thats why you must always choose the right and later on in life your going to be having good job and look back when you were young and said that.Anything you know that right might come back at you later in life and make you a happy person.
Health Educator
Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities: Health educators provide information on health and health related issues. They can assess health training needs and plan health education programs. They may specialize according to specific health concerns, illnesses, or work or training setting. Health educators may work as independent consultants or in health departments, consultants organizations, businesses , hospitals , schools , or government agencies. Health educators often:
• Perform health training needs assessments
• Design and develop health education programs.
• Publish health education materials, information papers , and grant proposals.
• Develop health education curriculum.
• Teach health in public and private schools.
Average Salary: $20,000-$35,000
Educational Requirements :
Students should take college preparatory courses during high school.
Health educators have, as a minimum, a bachelor’s degree in health education. Many have master’s degrees. To be certified or licensed to teach health in public schools requires a master’s degree and successful completion of a written exam in many states

Duties and Responsibilities: Health educators provide information on health and health related issues. They can assess health training needs and plan health education programs. They may specialize according to specific health concerns, illnesses, or work or training setting. Health educators may work as independent consultants or in health departments, consultants organizations, businesses , hospitals , schools , or government agencies. Health educators often:
• Perform health training needs assessments
• Design and develop health education programs.
• Publish health education materials, information papers , and grant proposals.
• Develop health education curriculum.
• Teach health in public and private schools.
Average Salary: $20,000-$35,000
Educational Requirements :
Students should take college preparatory courses during high school.
Health educators have, as a minimum, a bachelor’s degree in health education. Many have master’s degrees. To be certified or licensed to teach health in public schools requires a master’s degree and successful completion of a written exam in many states
Monday, November 4, 2013
Students Success Statement
" Good thoughts bear good fruits . Bad thoughts bear bad fruits." - James Allen
what this statement is trying to tell us is that if you choose the right your going to have a lot of nice good fruits to eat of and be happy about it . But if you choose the wrong your going to be getting bad fruits and not that much people are going to want to eat your fruits or buy them if your trying to sell them. This is way you must always choose the right
what this statement is trying to tell us is that if you choose the right your going to have a lot of nice good fruits to eat of and be happy about it . But if you choose the wrong your going to be getting bad fruits and not that much people are going to want to eat your fruits or buy them if your trying to sell them. This is way you must always choose the right
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Student success statement
" I wasnt trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right." - Dean Smith
Mr.Smith what it did was not just choose the right but he made eveyone else choose the right to he was the only coach to make 98% of his player get out of collage. He really was a great men he got along with everyone all his players loved him still do. He was a man that never give up on his team cause he knew if he would have choosen the wrong his team would have never made it but sinces he choose the right his team would win most of all the game they played .
Mr.Smith what it did was not just choose the right but he made eveyone else choose the right to he was the only coach to make 98% of his player get out of collage. He really was a great men he got along with everyone all his players loved him still do. He was a man that never give up on his team cause he knew if he would have choosen the wrong his team would have never made it but sinces he choose the right his team would win most of all the game they played .
Duties and Responsibilities:
Epidemiologists study the frequency and distribution of
diseases within human populations and environments. Specifically, they measure
the incidence of disease occurrence and relate it to different characteristics
of populations and environments. Epidemiologists perform research, education,
and public health practice in universities, government agencies international
organizations and private corporations. Epidemiologists often:
Work on developing or refining methods of measuring and evaluating disease occurrences
Develop and recommend public health policy.
Study or research chronic diseases , infectious
disease outbreaks , injuries occupation , and environments.
Average Salary:$30,000-$50,000
Educational Requirements :
Students should take the most challenging
high school courses (including AP or IB
courses) available in science, math, and English.
Epidemiologists have, as a minimum, master’s
degrees in public health . Undergraduate
for admissions into public health graduate programs vary by schools but usually
include strong backgrounds in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and or
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Student Success Statement
"CTR connects you to happiness and success. CTW disconnects you." - Mr. Haymore
what this person is try to tell us is that its better to choose the right on everything you do cause if you dont you wont be happy at all . Chooseing the wrong is a bad thing in life cause so much bad thing can happen to you and feel bad about it . An exp lieing to someone you care about and not telling them thats choosing the wrong but if you choose the right you may get hurt but you know that you choose the right and did the right thing to do .
what this person is try to tell us is that its better to choose the right on everything you do cause if you dont you wont be happy at all . Chooseing the wrong is a bad thing in life cause so much bad thing can happen to you and feel bad about it . An exp lieing to someone you care about and not telling them thats choosing the wrong but if you choose the right you may get hurt but you know that you choose the right and did the right thing to do .

Environmental Health Specialist
Environmental Health Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: To protect the environment, public health, and safety. They
always check on the food to see if good to eat and sell. Environmental Health Specialist carry out especially in the area of organizing environmental programs. They make sure that foods are protected, the right pesticide used and sewage's are adequately
must have a high school diploma or the equivalent. Most environmental health specialists earn a bachelor’s degree in environmental health, but some have a degree in a related field such as biological/chemical sciences or environmental engineering.
include a picture:
Answer: Do you think you would like to be one? why? why not
Hell na . because i said hell na
Monday, October 28, 2013
Emergency Medical
Duties and Responsibilities: Make periodic patrols of
quarters and work areas and initiate counts of inmates at regular and irregular
intervals; maintain control and discipline including use of physical restraint
and restraining devices; prevent the introduction of contraband into the
Average Yearly Salary: $ 22.78 - $ 49,515
Education: The EMT Course has
three components: didactic (120 hours) which includes practical, hands-on
skills training, the clinical/field ride-along (minimum 24 hours total of
observation with a minimum of 10 patient contacts), and final testing (4-8
hours). Through lectures, interactive presentations, skills labs, and
simulations, you will build the knowledge and skills to care for patients. Must
have high school diploma or there GED to become a EMT
Include a picture:
I would not want to be a Emergency Medical Technician because
you must work with hand to hand and I wouldn’t like doing that and plus the
person you have on your car depends on you. That person’s life is on the line
and you must make sure you can do everything you can to save there life and if you
fail you might feel anger for failing your job. That why I wouldn’t want to be
a EMT even if they make about 23.64 an hour still wont that someone life you have
on your hand .
Students Success Statement
the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle
What this statement is try to say is that you can be the smarts person in the world but has no education in the heart is noting . is like having a head with no body so smart from up there but not from down there .
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Students Success Statement
" Choosing the right is always the right thing to do." - Alex Linares
what this statment is trying to say is that if you choose the right always its going to be the right thing to do in life. Its better to always choose the right and good things would happen in your life and good stuff
what this statment is trying to say is that if you choose the right always its going to be the right thing to do in life. Its better to always choose the right and good things would happen in your life and good stuff
Electroneurodiagnostic technologists
Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist
Duties and
technologists use electronic graphs to determine if patients are suffering from
a central nervous system condition or disease like epilepsy, tumors , stroke,
or trauma. The graphs are records of the brains electrical activity.
Electroneurodiagnostic technologists usually work in hospitals,
laboratories, or
physicians’ offices they:
medical records.
electrodes and select instrument settings.
electroneurodiagnostic test.
and maintain their equipment.
test results.
patient abnormalities.
Salary: $20,000-$35,000
technologists must have a high school diploma and some courses in computer
technology before beginning specialized training.
training can be obtained through vocational schools, community colleges, and in
some cases hospitals. Training takes one year and is followed by another year
of supervised experience. Before beginning practice electroneurodiagnostic
technologists must pass written and oral examinations.
I would not want to be a elecroneurodiagnostic at all
because I wouldn’t have to go too more school to learn this job .

Monday, October 21, 2013
Student Success Statement
"Its better to be alone than to be in bad company."-ANON
What this statement is trying to say is that its better to be alone if you choose the right and not do anything bad in life or with that type of groups out there. If you choose the wrong by hanging out with some drop out students and there telling you to do the same that's choosing the wrong . i would rather be alone to be right then to be with a group and choose the wrong
What this statement is trying to say is that its better to be alone if you choose the right and not do anything bad in life or with that type of groups out there. If you choose the wrong by hanging out with some drop out students and there telling you to do the same that's choosing the wrong . i would rather be alone to be right then to be with a group and choose the wrong
Electrocardiograph Technician
Electrocardiograph Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
Electrocardiograph ( ECG or EKG) technicians usually work under the supervision of cardiologists in hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, or bedside. They operate electrocardiogram equipment to monitor patients heart problems .
• Connect electrodes to patients
• Insert and remove catheters
• Monitor equipment output
• Record test results.
• Identify emergencies or abnormalities
• Operate ultrasound equipment
Average Salary: $15,000-$32,000
Electrocardiograph technicians must have a high school diploma or GED before beginning specialized training.
Electrocardiograph training can be obtained through vocational schools, community colleges, and in some cases through on the job supervised experience. Basic training takes three to six months. Advanced training takes one to two years.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Electrocardiograph ( ECG or EKG) technicians usually work under the supervision of cardiologists in hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, or bedside. They operate electrocardiogram equipment to monitor patients heart problems .
• Connect electrodes to patients
• Insert and remove catheters
• Monitor equipment output
• Record test results.
• Identify emergencies or abnormalities
• Operate ultrasound equipment
Average Salary: $15,000-$32,000
Electrocardiograph technicians must have a high school diploma or GED before beginning specialized training.
Electrocardiograph training can be obtained through vocational schools, community colleges, and in some cases through on the job supervised experience. Basic training takes three to six months. Advanced training takes one to two years.
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